Wolf and Lakeview Block Captain | Cheryl Harnett | #22 Wolf | 306-663-4105 |
Marten Block Captain | Debbie Schultz | #18 Marten | 306-663 4604 |
Squirrel Block Captains | Colleen Elash Linda Henderson Marion Uytterhagen | #25 Squirrel #xx Squirrel #xx Squirrel | 306-227-1767 306-227-6163 306-663-5785 |
Ermine Block Captain | Heather Boettcher | #13 Ermine | 306-747-7422 |
Otter Block Captain (Block 3 & 6) Otter Block Captain (Block 1) | Sharon Chicoine Heather Kuiack | #7 Otter #9 Otter | 306-xxx-xxxx 306-xxx-xxxx |
306-xxx-xxxx | |||
Lynx Block Captain | Eileen Rempel | #17 Lynx | 306-663-5638 |
Fisher Block Captain | Wendy Mills | #13 Fisher | 306-663-5863 |
Fox Block Captain | Eileen Rempel | #8 Fox | 306-663-5638 |
Beaver/westside, Chipmunk, block 18 Block Captain Beaver/westside, Bobcat, blocks 12,15,16, 17 Block Captains | Carol Rowan Sandra Messett Carolyn Yule | #18 Beaver #33 Beaver #xx Beaver | 306-281-2517 306-663-5627 |
Porcupine Block Captain | Fran Blechinger | #10 Porcupine | 306-230-3360 |
Mink & Beaver Block Captain (Beaver east side to Bobcat) | Peter Kirychuck | #17 Mink | 306-663-5836 |
Website updated last May 2024
Block Captains
Our community first aid responders and EMS information HERE
Also, a huge thank you to Heather Kuiack for the many years of service on the executive, latest being President/past President, we thank you for your countless hours and energy! Thank you to Carolyn Yule who has held the treasurer position as of latest and keeping our WCOA finances diligently managed for years.